The Devil's Calculator is an educational, non-profit and free to play math game named one of the 10 best indies of 2019 by PAX.
By the creator of
Synonymy, the game proves a challenging indie puzzler for lovers of logic and brain teasers, featuring levels by some of the world's leading mathematicians including bestselling author and Guardian puzzle editor
Alex Bellos,
Grant Sanderson of the highly popular 3Blue1Brown YouTube channel, and Numberphile's
James Grime.
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A New Kind of Math Puzzle Game
Rather than the typical scenario of solving for x in an algebraic expression, imagine the operators themselves were unknown... In this challenging math game, an evil calculator has its normal arithmetic operators replaced with sadistically obscure functions. Using puzzle logic and a bit of algebra, you must work backwards to interpolate and use these corrupted operators to compute the 'number of the beast', 666, to purge the calculator of its demons and conquer mathematical puzzles. Read User Guide
About the Game & Non-Profit
Non-profit and open-source, The Devil's Calculator is a highly original indie math game that's as addicting as it is educational. The third game by the award winning 501(c)3 Cinq-Mars Media, the game is accessible to numberphiles and math novices alike, the first 20+ levels are 100% free to play and enjoy, with free copies made available to educators and students. The project was named to the prestigious PAX10 best indie games of the year program for 2019 and was the focus of a talk at the Museum of Mathematics in New York City. It is lovingly dedicated to the late Martin Gardner.
Mathematics Gameplay & Accolades
Each level has you decipher the function of a mysterious operator and use it to calculate the number of the beast, 666, to progress. Advanced graphing mechanics, countless features and simple, yet innovative level design provide considerable depth to the gameplay. Inspired by the likes of @numberphile and Martin Gardner, The Devil's Calculator proves an accessible, yet devilishly challenging puzzle math game. Featuring a level maker for players to program their own levels for the community, challenges can also be submitted for review by our team without the need for coding.
Multiplayer & Online Community
Players unlock the ability to create their own levels and play challenges others have created - including free DLC levels crafted by the game's creators, educators and mathematicians. With hand drawn artwork and a charming story, the Devil's Calculator is the best Math Game of 2019 and a genuinely fun and gratifying puzzle experience. Read User Guide
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Cinq-Mars Media a 501(c)3 non-profitCinq-Mars Media is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization developing technology to support scientific research related to human safety and education, and to make such technology and research available on a charitable basis.
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*Cinq-Mars Media is not affiliated with Numberphile. All content copyright the respective owners. The Devil’s Calculator © Cinq-Mars Media 2019